Iñaki Harosteguy, 2020.
Accepting as a starting point the tense relationship between the empty space and the unavoidable advance of the built space; understanding the dynamic, disordered and fragmented condition of the contemporary city, it is imperative to operate through architectural mechanisms that preserve the urban void as a manifesto for a sustainable metropolis.
The Forest of La Plata City, projected in 1882 by Pedro Benoit as the green lung of the new hygienist city, has suffered an uninterrupted sequence of assaults on its precious territory, reducing its surface area and blurring its limits.
The project seeks to redefine the forest in a simple and clear form, autonomous and recognizable, a perfect square of 800m side finds its geometric logic in the foundational grid of the city generating an architectural piece of metropolitan scale capable of resisting the passage of time.
The reinterpretation and materialization of its limits will be the genesis of the project. This intermediate linear space that acts as an ambiguous perimeter aims to be the link between the empty space and the built space of the city, allowing on the one hand to integrate and connect, but also to tension and separate. So architecture is reduced to delimiting a territory as a fundamental act, framing an urban void and protecting it from the offensives of real estate development.
The establishment of a support infrastructure, multiplies the possibilities of occupation, adaptability and resistance. A continuous gallery of rhythmic and prefabricated structure integrates from meeting places, fairs, gastronomic tours and shops; to service stations, warehouses and parking lots. As if it were a magnetic ring, it captivates all around it urban devices and equipment charged with intensity, leisure, pleasure and unlimited fun.
Two generic mixed-use towers emerge on the horizon and frame La Plata River, establishing new links and relationships between the city and its historically forgotten water support. Their contact with the ground is articulated through a huge greenhouse, a covered garden that houses unique species from around the world creating a great urban oasis of natural experiences. Their radical disposition and slenderness makes them the new monuments of the city in a clear gesture to redensify urban centers against dispersion towards the peripheries.